有村竜太朗 + demons TOUR2023「≒demo」


7,500円 (税込)


[Osaka] Saturday July 15th, 2023 umeda TRAD
[Aichi] Monday July 17th, 2023 CLUB UPSET
[Tokyo] Saturday August 5th, 2023 下北沢シャングリラ


Sale period: GENERAL SALE
Saturday June 17th, 2023
Sale period: GENERAL SALE


*All customers are required to pay drink fee in cash at the door separately.
*3 years old and up charged/No admission for children under 3 years old.
*10% handling charge included in ticket(s) price.
*Be sure to purchase your ticket via a official authorized ticket outlet.
*Tickets purchased via unauthorized ticket outlets will be deemed invalid and the festival will not be responsible for any trouble arising from the purchase of such tickets nor will such tickets be refunded by the festival under any circumstances.
*Be sure to fully read and understand the rules & regulations and guidelines before purchasing ticket(s).
*Once your order has been completed, any changes or cancellations will not be accepted.

Please be sure to read the following cautionary note before applying.
= Regarding countermeasures against the novel coronavirus infection(COVID-19) =
*This performance will be held in accordance with the policies and requirements of the government, the host municipality, and the venue.Please note that the content of the performance, customer information, and precautions may be subject to change depending on future circumstances.
*Please refrain from coming to the exhibition if you fall under any of the following categories.
 If you have symptoms of illness such as fever (37.5 degrees Celsius or higher).
 If you have tested positive for novel coronavirus within the past 5 days.
*Hand alcohol sanitizer will be available on site. Please use as needed.

= Other =
*Tickets are non-refundable as long as the performance is held. Please understand this in advance.
*It may be difficult to secure seats in a row or next to each other. Please understand this in advance.
*For performances with all seats reserved, it is prohibited to move to a seat other than the one assigned to you.
*For all standing performances, please refrain from taking up space, squeezing into the front of the venue, or any other behavior that may cause inconvenience to other audience members.
*Please enjoy singing and cheering during the performance to the extent that it does not disturb the audience around you.
*Please set your smartphones, cell phones, and other electronic devices that make noise to mute the sound during the performance.
*Photography and recording are strictly prohibited in the venue.If you are found to be filming or recording, or attempting to film or record, you will be asked to leave the venue.
*The restrooms are very crowded, so we ask for your cooperation and smooth use of the restrooms.
Please use the restrooms smoothly and cooperate with us.
*If you are not feeling well, our staff may ask you to come to the venue and restrict your participation.If you feel unwell during the concert, please do not exert yourself and report to the nearest staff member immediately.
*We ask for your understanding and cooperation in following the instructions of the staff on the day of the event.
Failure to cooperate may result in denial of entry or removal from the venue.
*Gifts and fan letters will be accepted at the gift box.
 Please be sure to provide the name of the member.
 Please refrain from submitting anything that falls under the following categories.
 ┗Raw items (food, plants, living things, etc.), cash, money certificates (gift certificates, tickets, etc.), medicines, stuffed animals, good luck charms and bills, difficult-to-carry items (large, large quantities, heavy), dangerous items, etc.
*Waiting for visitors to enter or leave the venue is prohibited.
*Please refrain from contacting the venue directly. Please do not contact the venue directly.
 J-ROCK CO.,LTD. +81-3-5485-5555(weekday 11:00-17:00)

If there are any changes or additions to the precautions, etc., due to future circumstances, we will announce them on Ryutaro Arimura's official website, etc., so please check back from time to time.
how to pick up
*Please issue a ticket at the 7-Eleven store in Japan before coming to the venue.
*Tickets can not be issued at 7-Eleven stores other than Japan.
*Please present the 13-digit "Payment slip number" that will be issued after confirmation of purchase to a store clerk of 7-Eleven.
*After completing the application, you can not change or cancel the tickets purchased.
how to pick up
Contact us
J-ROCK CO.,LTD. +81-3-5485-5555(weekday 11:00-17:00)
Contact us
Please make sure you have read the event details from official website in advance.


こちらは海外在住の方向けのチケット販売です。日本在住の方は国内販売( https://ticket.rakuten.co.jp/music/jpop/RTJRARD/ )をご利用ください。ご了承のほどお願い申し上げます。
This is the ticket booking website for non-Japan residents. Please note those who live in Japan can't purchase tickets via this page regardless of nationality.


有村竜太朗 + demons TOUR2023「≒demo」
2023年 07月 15日 (土)
開場 17:00 / 開演 18:00
umeda TRAD
有村竜太朗 + demons TOUR2023「≒demo」
有村竜太朗 + demons TOUR2023「≒demo」
2023年 07月 17日 (月)
開場 16:30 / 開演 17:00
有村竜太朗 + demons TOUR2023「≒demo」
有村竜太朗 + demons TOUR2023「≒demo」
2023年 08月 05日 (土)
開場 17:00 / 開演 18:00
有村竜太朗 + demons TOUR2023「≒demo」